Top 40 Motivational Quotes For Success in Life

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Motivational Quotes is the best way to get motivated. Sometimes, inspiration becomes a fact because no one is there for give you inspiration. Then, These Motivational Quotes will give you inspiration and motivation.

Normally, everybody just read quotes as text format in books, news papers or other places. Sometimes it feels boring when you reading. But, in animated form, u don't feel boring. The Visual effects and sound help you to feel and understand the Quotes more effectively.

The Motivational Quotes seriously gives you solid inspiration. it's totally science. That's why I collected  "Top 40 motivational quotes for success in life"

Top 40 Motivational Quotes For Success in Life  :

1."Add value to everyday. Sharpen your skills and your understanding."

2."A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow"
 - George s. patton

3."Always keep a window open in your mind for new ideas. "

4.“Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable” 
-Emily Guay

5.“Believe that you have it, and you will have it” 
-latin Proverb

6.“Creativity means believing you have greatness.” 
-Dr. Wayne D. Dwyer

7.“Don't limit your challanges. Challange your limits” 

8.“Don't wish for it. Work for it.” 

9.“Filure is merely part of the process necessary for success.” 

10.“I am a great believer in luck and i find that the harder I work the more luck I have” 
-Thomas Jefferson

11.“If you focus on results, You will never Change. If you focus on change, You will get Results.” 
-Jack Dixon

12.“I have failed over and over again. That is why I succeed.” 
-Michael Jordan

13.“Keys to success : Research your ideas, Plan for Success, Expect success, and just do it.” 
-John S. Hinds

14.“Life is built of the things we do. The onlyconstructive material is positive action.” 

15.“Life is short. Focus from this day forward on making a difference.”

16.“Never give up ! Failure and rejection are only the first step to succeeding.” 

17.“Never stop learning. If you learn one new thing everyday, You will overcome 99 percent of your Competition.” 
-Joe Carlozo

18.“No man ever became great without many and great mistakes.” 
-William E. Gladstone

19.“Our aspirations are our Possibilities.” 
-Samual Johnson

20.“People can be really smart or have skills that are directly applicable. But if they don't really believe in it, then they are not going to really work hard.” 
-mark Zuckerberg

21.“people with Goals succeed because they know where they are going.” 
-Earl Nightingale

22.“Read something positive every night and listen to somrthing helpful eve morning.”

-Tom Hopkins

23.“Real success is finding your life work in the work that you love.” 
 -David mcCullough

24.“Stay focused and stay cusious. Do what you say you will do.” 

25.“Success comes to those who dare to begin.” 

26."Success in the end erases all the mistakes along the way. "
-Chinese Proverb

27.“Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.” 
-Dr. Joyce Brothers

28.“The day i stop giving is the day iu stop receiving. The day i stop learning is the day i stop growing.” 

29.“The habit of persistance is the habit of victory.” 
-Herbert Kaufman

30.“The Happiest life is that which consistently exersizes and educates what is best in us.” 
-Philip G. hamerton

31.“The man who said he never had a chance, never took one.” 

32.“The only difference between dreams  and achievements is hard work.” 
-mayor Chris Bollwage

33.“The past is over. forget is. The future holds hope. Reach for it.” 
-Charles R. Swindoll

34.“The secret of success is consistency of purpose.” 

35.“Think Big ! you are going to be thinking anyway, so think BIG !” 
-Donald Trump

36.“Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it.” 
-Leonardo Da Vinci

37.“Winners are ordinary people with extraordinary heart.” 

38.“Your dreams minus your doubts equal your true worth.” 

39.“Your success is only limited by your desire.” 

40.“You've get to get up every morning with determination.If you are going to go to bed with satisfaction.” 
-George Horace Lorimer

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